When properly run, an online business is the most profitable form of enterprise you can ever think of. It can give you a life of freedom, financial independence, and the means to enjoy the better things of life.
However, to attain these desirable benefits, there are several things you need to know in order to establish your very own profitable online business.
The "gurus" say that the 3 key factors for success online are 'Traffic, Traffic and more Traffic'. "They" say that to be a success online you need a really high volume of traffic on your website because the 'normal' conversion rates of hits to eventual sales lies between 2-4%, in other words, only 2-4 visitors out of every 100 who come to your website will eventually purchase something from you or through you.
Do you know that there are some online businesses which post conversion rates of 10-20%? What if you could attain this kind of conversion rates? Imagine how much more profitable your online business would be (between 2.5-10 times more profitable!).
What's the key to such high conversion rates? ... Content!
Pay attention: "The truth about success online is that traffic is attracted to content!" Therefore "content, content and even more content" is the true mantra for success online.
Why is this so?
Because people come online in search of information! They come online in search of solutions to their problems.
The 'magic' process for succeeding online, for achieving conversion rates of 10-20%+ is C-T-P-M!
What is C-T-P-M? C_T-P-M is a process expressed like this... "High quality Content attracts hordes of eager Traffic, which is Presold on overdelivered information turning them into warm and willing buyers so you can Monetize these hits in various ways!"
Ok, file this info away in your mind as we examine the 5 components of a profitable online business.
1) The starting point...What you know: Everybody knows something of value to someone else! What have you done well lately? What problems or difficulties have you overcome? A lot of people worldwide are going thought he same situation and they can profit from your experiences (and so can you!).
This really is the starting point for establishing a profitable online business...what you know!
Why is this so important?
Because what you know gives you the benefit of authority, it taps into your passions and interests to unleash the creativity that lies within you so you can turn your experiences into great content.
2) Creating quality Content: The next step is to create quality content.
What is content anyway? Content is 'just' information. Right?
Content isn't 'just' information, content is valuable, quality information that you've compiled, thought over and "re-presented' in your own 'voice'!
Quality content comes from within YOU! "You've" researched and compiled it, "you've" thought over it and added your own unique insights and experiences, and "you've" re-presented it in your own 'voice'.
This is the key to high quality content - content which attracts hordes of eager traffic - the only kind of content that counts!
3) Attracting and retaining Traffic: Ok, you've taken what you know and used it to create quality content for your website, now it's time to attract hordes of eager traffic to your website.
How is traffic attracted to a content rich website? There's a 2 step process involved;
i) You need a Search Engine Optimized website.
Why is this important?
Because only a SE optimized website with high quality content will possess a sufficiently high placement in the Search Engine rankings (within the first 20 ranks or the first 2 result pages) which is necessary to attract hordes of free, qualified traffic (people who are looking for you!).
I believe you'll agree with me that free qualified traffic is much better than traffic you pay for through advertising!
ii) The Look and Feel (L&F) of your website has to be just right for your target market. it's no use attracting hordes of traffic to your site and having them leave almost instantly because your site looks and feels like a high tech nightmare.
Think about the most highly trafficked websites online... google.com, yahoo.com, ebay.com, amazon.com and so on. What do they look and feel like? Regardless of the site and target market, these sites look and feel simple, neat, attractive and welcoming.
The L&F of your website will ensure that your visitors have a memorable stay and it sets them up for the next step.
4) Presell your Services and Products by overdelivering content: Who would you rather buy from... a high pressure salesman 'urging' you to buy now, or a trusted friend making a friendly 'recommendation'? Easy isn't it? You'd buy from your friend every time!
Preselling is a warm intimate process of overdelivering content which enlightens your visitors, helps them to 'see' how your services and products help them to solve their problems, and then allows them to 'sell' themselves on your worthiness so they deliver your Most Wanted Response (MWR).
The truth is simple; offline as well as online, business is about establishing trust and creating relationships. That's exactly what you achieve when you Presell to your visitors.
You convert curious but cautious visitors into thoughtful, friendly "i-think-i-could-use-this" friends.
Preselling is the vital key that allows you to attain conversion rates of 10-20%.
Preselling is the vital key that allows you to attain conversion rates of 10-20%.
Even if they don't purchase immediately, they'd have had a rewarding visit to your site and you can bet they'll tell all their friends, and there is no form of advertising more potent than word of mouth recommendation!
When Preselling is done properly, it always sets up your now friendly and warm 'friends' for the next step... a high (10-20%) monetization conversion rate!
5) Monetizing your visitors: Lets see... you've started an online business based on what you know by creating high quality content for your website which attracts and retains hordes of eager traffic to your website, from which you Presell you products and services by overdelivering relevant content.
The next step in the process is monetization.
Most online businesses have only one form of monetization...'buy this from me now!' How mundane!
Often times 'buy this from me now' is the wrong approach. Monetizing your visitors is a multistage, multi approach system of getting the most value from your visitors and your efforts.
An example: you could offer them subscription to your ezine in which you recommend products and services of which you are an affiliate, you could recommend your own products and services, offer them membership in your own affiliate program... and don't forget revenue from Google adsense.
Monetization is a wonderful way of getting the most from your visitors (after you've given them your best of course).
To recap the points covered in this article... the 5 components of a profitable online business which incorporates the C-T-P-M process are:
1) Start with what you know.
2) Create quality Content.
3) Attract hordes of eager Traffic.
4) Presell your products and services by overdelivering content.
5) Monetize your visitors
If you ever heard the phrase "The Money Is In The List" it is very crucial to build list of targeted customer as soon as you launch your online business website by setting up a squeeze page to capture the contact information of your interested visitors who wanted to learn more about your products and services.
It's rare online to quickly get a sale from first visit of a prospect, the easiest way to get the sale is to get them subscribe for free Tip or report about the subject matter of your website, once they get into your funnel, you can from there furnishing them with more valuable information about the product or service you want to sell to your prospects.
Building list of targeted customers can be made possible and easier with the most acceptable auto-responder or email marketing service by thousands of successful entrepreneurs across the world.
Building list of prospects will help you identify those who are interested in what you are selling so that you can follow them up with powerful marketing messages to turn them from prospects into real and consistent customers with the advantage of selling them more and more various related products and services forever.
The bigger the list of customers you get, the higher the money you will be making consistently. Automate your business today with all-in one online marketing platform to grow your business