Thursday, 20 November 2014

Information Marketing Or Affiliate Marketing Business

If you have initial capital to invest, i will advise you to go
for information marketing. The reason is that,
You must learn how to do the following or outsource them and you have better chance of making money in no time than affiliate marketing. I will like to be neutral by telling you both business models could make you big money depending on how you approach it because one man's food is another man's poison

Ok. let me quickly give you the breakdown of what you need to learn or know about starting information marketing business

1. How to Create your own info product
2. How to build a mini site to sell your own product
3. You will learn how to register your domain name with domain registrars
4. You will also need to know how to host your website
5. How to create e-cover to sell your product 
6. You also need to know how to build squeeze page to capture prospects details
7. It is also important to know how to build responsive list
8. You will also need to know how to write persuasive sales letter to sell your info products
9. You also need to have initial capital of at least 20k to smooth the journey of your information marketing business because you will pay for hosting, domain, autoresponder and adverts expenses

If you know how to do those things i mentioned above and you have the money to finance all the expenses, you can go ahead and start information marketing business if otherwise, your next option is affiliate marketing.

Even if you go for affiliate marketing business, you still need to learn all i mentioned above so that you won't end up becoming hit and run affiliate marketer.

Information marketing or affiliate marketing business is all about giving people what they want, providing solution to their problem and creating value for people without minding whether they will
pay you or not at the first place. You must first learn to give before you think of taking. 

You need to position yourself as a PROBLEM SOLVER and the go-to guy. If you keep helping people to solve one problem or the other, i assure you that money will definitely follow. If you release any product on your niche where they know you as an expert, or there is a particular problem they need to solve, they will like to the solution from you and pay you handsomely because you have build cordial relationship by helping them before you introduce paid product or service to them.

My experience is that people don't like to buy from stranger. If they don't know you before, you have not been helping them and they don't trust you, they will never give you their hard earned money. 

You need to first build cordial relationship, trust and love before you can think of making consistent money from your online business. I will like to continue from where i stop today 

But before i go, if you next to nothing about what i mentioned above and you don't have the cash to outsource them, i advise you to for affiliate marketing business and start learning along the line. You need to invest in your education before you can start making big money online. The learning might not really be from buying a hundred of e-books on those topics above, a one time fee to a coach who will always have time to provide solution to your challenges and will stay with you under the sun or in the rain as i mentioned in my previous lesson is more better and will definitely pay you in the long run. 

I will always like to hear your own view about my opinion and you are free to drop your own comment and let's keep the conversation going. 

Talk to you soon 

Sulaiman  (Internet Marketing Consultant)
Tel: 08036882653

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